Tuesday, January 23, 2018




 Verses 2:21-25

The making of woman, to be a help-meet for Adam.

Adam was first formed, then Eve (1 Tim. 2:13), and she was made of the man, and for the man (1 Cor. 11:8, 9), yet man being made last of the creatures, as the best and most excellent of all, Eve’s being made after Adam, and out of him, puts an honor upon that sex, as the glory of the man, 1 Cor. 11:7. If man is the head, she is the crown, a crown to her husband, the crown of the visible creation.

Man was dust refined, but the woman was dust double-refined, one remove further from the earth. Note:  That the woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved. Adam lost a rib, and without any diminution to his strength or comeliness (for, doubtless, the flesh was closed without a scar); but in lieu thereof he had a help meet for him, which abundantly made up his loss: what God takes away from his people he will, one way or other, restore with advantage. In this (as in many other things) Adam was a figure of him that was to come; for out of the side of Christ, the second Adam, his spouse the church was formed, when he slept the sleep, the deep sleep, of death upon the cross, in order to which his side was opened, and there came out blood and water, blood to purchase his church and water to purify it to himself. See Eph. 5:25, 26.

MARRIAGE: The marriage of woman to Adam. Marriage is honorable, but this assuredly was the most honorable marriage that ever was, in which God himself had all along an immediate hand. Marriages (they say) are made in heaven: we are sure this was, for the man, the woman, the match, were all God’s own work; he, by his power, made them both, and now, by his ordinance, made them one. This was a marriage made in perfect innocency, and so was never any marriage since…

·      God, as her Father, brought the woman to the man, as his second self, and a help-meet for him. When he had made her, he did not leave her to her own disposal; no, she was his child, and she must not marry without his consent. Those are likely to settle to their comfort who by faith and prayer, and a humble dependence upon providence, put themselves under a divine conduct. That wife that is of God’s making by special grace, and of God’s bringing by special providence, is likely to prove a help-meet for a man.

·      From God, as his Father, Adam received her (Gen. 2:23): "This is now bone of my bone. Now I have what I wanted, and which all the creatures could not furnish me with, a help meet for me." In token of his acceptance of her, Adam gave her a name, not peculiar to her, but common to her sex: She shall be called woman, Isha, a she-man, differing from man in sex only, not in nature—made of man, and joined to man.

 …and the settling of the law of it, Gen. 2:24.

The Sabbath and Marriage were two ordinances instituted in innocency, the former for the preservation of the church, the latter for the preservation of the world of mankind. It appears (by Matt. 19:4, 5) that it was God himself who said here, "A man must leave all his relations, to cleave to his wife;" see how necessary it is that children should take their parents’ consent along with them in their marriage, and how unjust those are to their parents, as well as undutiful, who marry without it; firm is the bond of marriage, not to be divided and weakened by having many wives (Mal. 2:15) nor to be broken or cut off by divorce, for any cause but fornication, or voluntary desertion.

·      The affection ought to be dear between husband and wife, such as there is to our own bodies, Eph. 5:28. These two are one flesh; let them then be one soul.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer
Producer/Gospel Lyricist/Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Monday, January 22, 2018



Genesis 17: 15 – 18: 1-15

Sarai (Hebrew: שָׂרָי, Modern Sarī Tiberian Śāray), was the wife of Abraham and his half-sister (two different mothers).  She was approximately ten years younger than her husband, and the mother of Isaac.  

According to Genesis 17:15, God changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant after Hagar bore Abraham his first son, Ishmael. The Hebrew name Sarah indicates a woman of high rank and is translated as "princess" or "noblewoman".

She was considered beautiful to the point that Abraham feared that when they were near more powerful rulers she would be taken away and given to another man. Twice he purposely identified her as being his sister so that he would be "treated well" for her sake.

Departure from Ur

The LORD had told Abram to leave his country and his father's house for a land that he would show him, promising to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, bless those who blessed him, and curse "him" that curses him.[9] Following God's command, Abram took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and the wealth and persons that they had acquired, and traveled to Shechem in Canaan. Abram was 75 at this time.[10]

Pharaoh's harem

There was a severe famine in the land of Canaan, so that Abram and Lot and their households, travelled south to Egypt. On the journey to Egypt, Abram instructed Sarai to identify herself only as his sister, fearing that the Egyptians would kill him in order to take his wife, saying, "I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'this is his wife.' Then they will kill me but will let you live. Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you." When brought before Pharaoh, Sarai said that Abram was her brother, and the king thereupon took her into his palace and bestowed upon the latter many presents and marks of distinction. It is possible that Sarai acquired her Egyptian handmaid Hagar during this stay. However, God afflicted Pharaoh's household with great plagues. Pharaoh then realized that Sarai was Abram's wife and demanded that they leave Egypt immediately.

In Genesis 17:15 Since both names mean "Princess", Sarai’s name was changed to Sarah served to bring her into the covenant in her own right. 

17:17 Abrahamlaughed because all of this was incredible. His laughter is somewhat ironic in that Isaac means "Laughter."

18:9-15 Abraham earlier had and now Sarah laughs also. God’s harsher reaction with her (see 17:19) indicates that Sarah was in persistent unbelief, not mere astonishment.

In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Monday, January 1, 2018

Sunday, November 12, 2017



IT’S ONE THING to remain physically pure by not engaging in sex outside of marriage or having an extramarital affair.  It’s quite another thing to remain emotionally pure-not to flirt with another man, become emotionally attached to him, or talk with him about topics appropriate only between a husband and wife. Too often we ignore these "lesser" acts of impurity and justify them by saying "we haven’t actually done anything." But Jesus said we are guilty all the same if we let impure thoughts infiltrate our minds (see Matthew 5:28).

What sets Christians apart from the rest of the world is not a list of "do’s and don’ts." It’s our hearts. Is it time for us to undergo a spiritual cardiogram so the Great Physician can diagnose any heart disorders? Consider taking these steps:
  • Ask God to monitor your motives and attitudes regarding your sexuality. God gets to the heart of the matter-your motives, thoughts, attitudes. Take a realistic look at why you dress or act the way you do. What are your communicating about yourself and why?

  • Decide ahead of time to excuse yourself from questionable conversations at work. Set some boundaries for yourself, lines you will not cross, and stick to them. Your first boundary shouldn’t be physical touch (that’s already too far)-it should be guarding your thoughts and your conversations. That will help protect you from acting on impure thoughts.

  • Refuse to demean your sexuality by using it to manipulate people and situations. Let’s face it-as women, our sexuality can be a powerful weapon. Will you abuse it, or will you use it for good? It’s all too easy to spin your behavior in such a way that you can justify anything. Flirting is OK as long as it gets you the job. Fantasizing is OK as long as don’t act on it. False!
  • Get practical. Be accountable to a Christian girlfriend or mentor for your physical and emotional purity. Be completely honest with each other.

AND EVERY THOUGHT"  1 Chronicles 28:9

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer
Producer/Gospel Lyricist/Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


…all that really matters isn't the things you did, but what its effects are today, not the knowledge you have learned_____
_but how you applied it, not the words that were said, but how they made you feel, and most of all, not the moment of occurrence, but how it’s now just a part of our memory... 

Every day, we make memories... 
Let's paint lives with happy ones...”

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer
Producer/Gospel Lyricist/Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts