Friday, February 3, 2017



1 SAMUEL 26:23

"My dream for every married man is that his wife, regardless of her age, is the most beautiful woman in his eyes, because she is the only woman in his eyes caused by the candles on his fiftieth anniversary cake reflect a man who has remained pure throughout his marriage, and that someday (whether married or not) that man will face Christ unashamed and hear the words, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.' "

"MEN WILL BE MEN" is a lame excuse, so don’t buy it or enable it. If your boyfriend treats you with disrespect don’t expect him to change on his own. As hard as it may feel to break off the relationship, it’s better to be alone and waiting for a good man than to be with a man who doesn’t respect you. You have immense worth in God’s eyes, so be courageous, like Esther.
Whenever you are tempted to believe that you don’t deserve love and faithfulness in your relationship, stop and remember your WORTH.

W-         Women and men have the same Biblical standard: faithfulness. Expecting a man to be faithful in a love relationship is a reasonable request.

O-         Only God can change your man and your relationship. Your nagging or wishful thinking isn’t going to work. Pray, live, respectfully and let God deal with your husband (see 1 Peter 3:1-2).

R-      Raise the bar. Sometime we confuse our self-worth with how others treat us. Instead of lowering the bar of expectations, taking what you can get in the love department, know that you are worthy of extravagant love-the kind of love that motivated Jesus to die for you.

T-    Tell yourself that your identity in Christ make you his precious, prized possession. Because you are created in his image and you belong to him, you deserve love, respect and honor.

H-      He is faithful. God sees. Do what’s right, regardless of what your husband does, and entrust yourself to God to make things right in the end (see 1 Peter 2:23)

In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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