Tuesday, February 7, 2017



1 Chronicles 5:24-25
New International Version (NIV)

Imagine you’re chosen to be on a reality television show, and on the show you get to trade lives with another person for a month. Whose life would you want? Be honest! Would it be someone famous? Someone wealthy? Someone with a hunky husband?

Let’s get to the heart of it. What do you envy about someone else? What does your choice reveal about what’s most important to you? The men from Manesseh were Israel’s celebrities-famous, brave and powerful. But they weren’t faithful to God.

When it comes down to it, which do you admire more in a person-fame or faithfulness?

In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer/Producer/Lyricist
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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