Thursday, March 9, 2017


by Maya Angelou 

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. 
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size 
But when I start to tell them, 
They think I'm telling lies. 
I say, 
It's in the reach of my arms 
The span of my hips, 
The stride of my step, 
The curl of my lips. 
I'm a woman 
Phenomenal woman, 
That's me. 

I walk into a room 
Just as cool as you please, 
And to a man, 
The fellows stand or 
Fall down on their knees. 
Then they swarm around me, 
A hive of honey bees. 
I say, 
It's the fire in my eyes, 
And the flash of my teeth, 
The swing in my waist, 
And the joy in my feet. 
I'm a woman 
Phenomenal woman, 
That's me. 

Men themselves have wondered 
What they see in me. 
They try so much 
But they can't touch 
My inner mystery. 
When I try to show them 
They say they still can't see. 
I say, 
It's in the arch of my back, 
The sun of my smile, 
The ride of my breasts, 
The grace of my style. 
I'm a woman 

Phenomenal woman, 
That's me. 

Now you understand 
Just why my head's not bowed. 
I don't shout or jump about 
Or have to talk real loud. 
When you see me passing 
It ought to make you proud. 
I say, 
It's in the click of my heels, 
The bend of my hair, 
the palm of my hand, 
The need of my care, 
'Cause I'm a woman 

Phenomenal woman,

That's me.

Submitted by,

Janet Thomas
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. Luke 18:11(KJV)

A mother and son hiked through a wooded area. The boy asked his mom the names of each tree he saw. She deftly identified the oak, elm, maple, and pine. The boy replied "Wow, Mom! All these trees are named after streets!"

The Pharisee in the Bible verse above got it backwards too. Only his confusion wasn’t funny. Making matters worse, he professed his false freedom from corruption to the only one who could release him from guilt.

People still make the Pharisee’s mistake. They may regard themselves in perfect harmony with God’s will but they miss their need for forgiveness. Almost as bad are those who think themselves so perverse that they could never address the holy God in prayer. They are unaware or suspicious of the Savior’s powerful love.

Confessing sins isn’t popular or enjoyable. Confess a wrongdoing to someone you offended and you may hear "Don’t let it happen again." Discuss your guilt feelings with the wrong person and you’ll hear, "Oh, there’s no such thing as sin. Do whatever you want. After all, you only live once."  And then we also know "comforters" who say something lie, "Oh that’s okay. You didn’t mean it."

Fortunately, we receive the best response when we confess our sins to Jesus. We say something like "Dear Jesus I hate sin. But I sin anyway. Today …Please forgive me and strengthen me to fight sin."

Jesus responds, "I died to take away your sins. You are forgiven, and you needn’t feel guilty anymore. I will send the Holy Spirit to help you fight sin. Go in peace."

Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Proverbs 3:24(KJV)

Have you ever noticed that you sleep soundest right before the alarm clock rings? Or do you find it difficult to sleep-tossing, turning, snoring-working so hard at sleeping that you’re too tired to get up?

Let’s examine the proverbial wisdom about sleep in the context of the above verse.
Solomon says good judgment and spiritual insight two gifts from the Holy Spirit, decorate the lives of believers lie an ornament. Even more important, wisdom provides safety. And this wonderful security makes it easy to enjoy sweet dreams and refreshing sleep.

By now, you may wonder if you have access to this wisdom. If you know the wisdom Solomon refers to stop reading and catch a little nap. If you’re not sure, read on.
Godly wisdom is believing that God loves you, that He has an angel watching over you right now. And while the angel might not protect you from distressing engagements with sin and Satan it keeps the devil from taking you away from God.

With godly wisdom, we know nothing can separate us from God’s love, not even death itself. Godly wisdom reveals that we belong to the Savior, and not even sudden disaster can tear His hand from ours.

God’s gift of wisdom lets us see the Savior through blind eyes, talk to Him through mute lips, and turn to Him with paralyzed bodies. When we can’t come to Him, He comes to us. After all that’s how we became believers, isn’t it?

Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Monday, March 6, 2017


Someone once said that people rarely get dizzy from going good turns! While God doesn’t require goodness as a prerequisite for faith, faithful people do good because they have faith.

The best way to do good is to be good. Titus offers reliable advice about the ingredients of a good life. Self-control is the key.  The key to self-control is to turn all your sins over to Jesus. He took them away and made you righteous, thereby supplying a means to resist temptation. While Jesus’ death and resurrection made us righteous, we still sin as we await that time when He comes again and brings us to complete perfection.

We have the blessed hope that Jesus will come again. This comforts us in times of pain, sorrow, failure, and sin. We know that despite our own troubles, Jesus knows our needs, and He will treat those problems.
While we wait for that blessed day, we can do good. We can share His comfort with those in need; forgive as we have been forgiven; core for those who can’t care for themselves; support missionaries and charities; help around church, etc. (the etc. is limited only by your imagination and effort.)

So, if anyone calls you a dizzy Christian because of your good works, take it as a compliment.

Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Sunday, March 5, 2017


4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
                                                                  Ephesians 2:4-5

How do you answer when people ask, "What must I do to be saved?"
If you tell them to find the answer in the Bible, they might page through the Old Testament and get bogged down in all the rules and regulations-the fine print-in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Like most legal writ, it doesn’t make for happy reading. In fact, some of it is downright demanding and frightening. Left by itself, this legalistic fine print can only condemn and destroy any hope of living forever.
Skeptics also look for the fine print in the New Testament. Jesus often said that He is the only thing necessary for salvation. Just believe and live forever! And how does one believe? Why, it’s a free gift of the Holy Spirit! Free! Gift!
Still people look for loopholes-something like successfully observing at least 7.5 of the Ten Commandments to earn eternal life. Or maybe paying God 10 percent tax to avoid the angelic auditors.
There is indeed fine print involved in answering the question. See the above Bible verse. Nothing could be finer! Saved by grace-God’s gift of unconditional love. He saves us while we are still sinners. Such love is unheard of these days. Such love was unheard of in Jesus’ day too. But true love it is. 

After all, doesn’t the fine print always
spell out the truth?


Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Saturday, March 4, 2017


There is nothing better for a person than that he should
eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil.  
                                                                                                Ecclesiastes 2:24

Is this the formula for happiness? Some define happiness as being too busy to be miserable. Others equate happiness with having everything they want, but discover that they still want more. Some pursue happiness with vigor that makes the pursuit a chief cause of unhappiness! So where can you find true happiness?
Go back and read the above verse again. I hope you’re enjoying a tasty snack or sipping your favorite break beverage right now. Isn’t it wonderful to break from your labor-to tantalize your taste buds and relax your mind or muscles (or both)? But of course, your break will end and you’ll return to whatever you were doing, whether you enjoy it or not.
Breaks and enjoyable work may give enjoyment, but there’s more. The prophet Nehemiah said, "This day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10).
What exactly is the joy of the Lord? A perpetual smile? Endless streams of laughter? Or, is it a more subtle happiness, an inner peace? The answer is yes. Joy of the Lord comes from knowing, even in difficult times, that Jesus died to take away your sins. He is the Lord of Life who brings hope for the future, even in  the face of death. The joy of the Lord provides lasting happiness you don’t have to work for. It’s free and abundant. It sweetens life just as the tiny white grains of C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁  sweet coffee or tea.

Now you know the formula. Use it liberally.
And share it with those who don’t already have it.


Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Friday, March 3, 2017


Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse them. Romans 12:14
Do you feel their eyes on you? Don’t be surprised, especially if you’re reading this in a public place or in the presence of your family. Especially if they know you’re reading something "religious." Look up, flash a smile, and return to your reading. Even if you’re a bit timid about your co-worker or family’s curiosity, you can witness to your faith. Let their eyes see it on your lips. Smiles are so powerful! They can even break the ice. 

You have much to smile about. Smile as you remember that cooing baby nestled in the hay. Smile as you think about the man mistaken for a landscaper that misty Sunday morning in a cemetery near dark Gethsemane. Imagine yourself with the disciples, hunkered down in a stuffy room when suddenly Jesus enters-through a locked door! Go ahead, smile! Perhaps they’ll wonder what you’re smiling about.

Maybe they will ask. Then what do you do? You could tell them you’re reading a funny book. After all, our Savior acted "funny." Many who witnessed His ministry laughed at Him. A few laughed with Him. He probably laughed too, but never at anyone’s expense. He did many funny things-like forgiving His enemies, associating with potentially dangerous strangers, getting within infectious range of contagious people, obeying His Father perfectly and blessing His enemies.

Reading my Blog may be risky. You may smile. You might even chuckle sometimes. At the very least, your heart should be lighter. So be ready for inquisitive looks, rolling eyes, even mockery for your actions. But smile anyway. 

Who knows? You might ruin the
day for a grouch!


Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Thursday, March 2, 2017



What is the condition of your heart? Doctors know the heart beats the rhythm of life. Poets and lovers see the heart as the place where affection and emotions dwell. The Bible cautions against hard hearts like Pharaoh’s story one that kept Israel captive. (It’s said that the only thing worse than hard-heartedness is soft-headedness.) And so, as the proverb says, the springs of life flow from the heart.

Place your hand over your heart. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. That little thumper pushes blood through thousands of miles of veins and arteries inside your body. You depend on its operation to keep you alive, yet it works on its own, without your planning or management.

Paul said, "With the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved" (Romans 10:10). Paul’s view of the heart was less clinical, but he recognized its life-supporting significance just the same. He would probably promote activities that maintain healthy hearts too.

First, exercise is vital. Doctors often recommend vigorous walks. Paul might recommend the same, with Jesus for a companion. Although Jesus isn’t here to march us step for step, we walk with Him in our meditation and prayers. He’s close by, and He promises to guide us.

Second, diet is important. Debates toss about pros and cons of every conceivable food and nutrient, and it’s hard to make sure we eat the right foods. But Paul’s spiritual diet consists of only one item-God’s Word.

How pleasant to know that we can never consume too much of His nutrition!Isn’t it great to have exercise and snacks at break?


Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

Wednesday, March 1, 2017









Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts