Saturday, March 4, 2017


There is nothing better for a person than that he should
eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil.  
                                                                                                Ecclesiastes 2:24

Is this the formula for happiness? Some define happiness as being too busy to be miserable. Others equate happiness with having everything they want, but discover that they still want more. Some pursue happiness with vigor that makes the pursuit a chief cause of unhappiness! So where can you find true happiness?
Go back and read the above verse again. I hope you’re enjoying a tasty snack or sipping your favorite break beverage right now. Isn’t it wonderful to break from your labor-to tantalize your taste buds and relax your mind or muscles (or both)? But of course, your break will end and you’ll return to whatever you were doing, whether you enjoy it or not.
Breaks and enjoyable work may give enjoyment, but there’s more. The prophet Nehemiah said, "This day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10).
What exactly is the joy of the Lord? A perpetual smile? Endless streams of laughter? Or, is it a more subtle happiness, an inner peace? The answer is yes. Joy of the Lord comes from knowing, even in difficult times, that Jesus died to take away your sins. He is the Lord of Life who brings hope for the future, even in  the face of death. The joy of the Lord provides lasting happiness you don’t have to work for. It’s free and abundant. It sweetens life just as the tiny white grains of C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁  sweet coffee or tea.

Now you know the formula. Use it liberally.
And share it with those who don’t already have it.


Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

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