Friday, March 3, 2017


Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse them. Romans 12:14
Do you feel their eyes on you? Don’t be surprised, especially if you’re reading this in a public place or in the presence of your family. Especially if they know you’re reading something "religious." Look up, flash a smile, and return to your reading. Even if you’re a bit timid about your co-worker or family’s curiosity, you can witness to your faith. Let their eyes see it on your lips. Smiles are so powerful! They can even break the ice. 

You have much to smile about. Smile as you remember that cooing baby nestled in the hay. Smile as you think about the man mistaken for a landscaper that misty Sunday morning in a cemetery near dark Gethsemane. Imagine yourself with the disciples, hunkered down in a stuffy room when suddenly Jesus enters-through a locked door! Go ahead, smile! Perhaps they’ll wonder what you’re smiling about.

Maybe they will ask. Then what do you do? You could tell them you’re reading a funny book. After all, our Savior acted "funny." Many who witnessed His ministry laughed at Him. A few laughed with Him. He probably laughed too, but never at anyone’s expense. He did many funny things-like forgiving His enemies, associating with potentially dangerous strangers, getting within infectious range of contagious people, obeying His Father perfectly and blessing His enemies.

Reading my Blog may be risky. You may smile. You might even chuckle sometimes. At the very least, your heart should be lighter. So be ready for inquisitive looks, rolling eyes, even mockery for your actions. But smile anyway. 

Who knows? You might ruin the
day for a grouch!


Janet Irene Thomas
Director, Playwright, Gospel Lyricist, Screenwriter
Bible Stories Theatre of Fine & Performing Arts

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