Sunday, January 29, 2017




You had it all – a great husband, a terrific place to live, friendship with God. What happened?

You’re right. I did have it all. Living in the garden with Adam and having God for company was perfect. Paradise, really. But when that serpent came along and point out the one thing that I didn’t have – well, that’s all I could think about. And oh, that snake was clever. Once he planted the seed, the thoughts kept running through my mind: How could I possibly be happy when I wasn’t allowed to eat from that tree? Why wouldn’t God want me to be just like him? Why couldn’t I have that one thing? I was consumed with it. Nothing would satisfy me until I had it. Or so I though.

What could we say to women who struggle with discontentment?

I suppose we would first ask ourselves, What is MY driving discontentment? Often, we try to fill up our lives with everything but what will really satisfy us.

2nd, guard ourselves against that "got to have it all" feeling. Don’t act on our impulses. Check with God first. Tell him what it is that we’ve "got to have," and let him guide us. Confide in a friend. Find someone who can offer us an objective, rational opinion. Just think what might have been if we had asked God first, or even Adam, about taking that one piece of fruit! And if we’re longing for someone that we are too embarrassed to share with another person, then that should be a red flag.

3rd, focus on what we do have. Make a list, share it with someone, recite it to yourself-whatever you must do to keep in mind all that God has given you. Thank God for everything we have been given. Focus on what we have rather than what we don’t have. The truth is that God had given me everything I needed to be completely happy in this world. He has done the same for you.

           DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME   


In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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