Thursday, July 13, 2017


The Story of Hosea and Gomer

Don’t miss what I’m about to say in this first paragraph; as we are going to witness a beautiful love story that I venture many of us have not/will not/ or are not capable of. First, know that our God observes Israel as His wife, and He viewes her worship of other gods as spiritual adultery. The Old Testament speaks frequently of Israel whoring after or playing the harlot with other gods (e.g., Deut. 31:16; Judg. 2:17). Almighty God had told Israel from the beginning that he would not share her with others. “You shall have no other gods before Me” was the first of his ten great commandments (Ex. 20:3). 

However, she had persistently ignored His command, and by the days of Jeroboam II the situation was intolerable. God was about to speak decisively and He chose first a prophet named Amos. The former herdsman of Tekoa thundered God’s warning of imminent judgment, but the nation paid little attention. So, God spoke again, this time through the prophet Hosea whose name meant "Jehovah is salvation."   Hosea was the son of Beeri and seemingly belonged to the upper classes. Judging from his elegant style, he was highly cultured.

ENTER GOMER. God told Hosea: “Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotry, and have children of harlotry; for the land commits flagrant harlotry, forsaking the Lord” (Hos. 1:2). I’d like to believe (from my understanding of the above scriptures) that perhaps Gomer was a woman of decent and ethical laxity of her society, and God intended to use the prophet’s personal relationship with her as an all-pervading and piercing lesson of His own relationship with His unfaithful people, Israel. 

Whatever her past, there may have been some evidence of genuine repentance and faith in God. Or perhaps, she had responded to the Spirit-filled ministry of Hosea himself, and he found his heart drawn to her in deep and unselfish love. God directed him to take her as his wife, and so it was that Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, became the unlikely wife of the budding young preacher. REMEMBER God is love, and what He directs is directed from a heart of love…to be cont’d

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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