Friday, July 14, 2017


The Story of Hosea and Gomer


he early days of marriage for Hosea and Gomer were probably beautiful as their love began to bud. And God blessed their union with a son. O’ how Hosea’s heart must have swelled with joy. By now, he was surely convinced that his marriage would be better than ever with a son to enhance their home. God named the baby, for his name was to have prophetic significance to the nation. He called him Jezreel, because it was at Jezreel that King Jeroboam’s great grandfather Jehu had first come to the throne by ambitious crimes of bloodshed and violence, and meaning "God sows." This name may have been intended to signify the replanting of Israel back on its own soil after it had been dispersed in exile. Then there was a second son who was called Lo Ami, meaning "not my people, " to indicate God's rejection of Israel as His people because of its faithlessness. Lastly, Hosea's daughter by Gomer was metaphorically named Lo-ruhamah, meaning "the unpitied one."

Since Gomer after her marriage became an unfaithful "wife of harlotry, " it is possible that Lo-ruhamah and perhaps her brothers were illegitimate children. Some scholars have even dare to speculate whether the prophet's tragic marital experience was real or merely an allegory to stress the infidelity of Israel.

It was not until after the birth of Jezreel that Hosea noticed a change in Gomer. She became restless and unhappy, and he continued preaching, encouraging the wayward nation to turn from its sin and trust God for deliverance from the threat of surrounding nations. “Return unto the Lord!” was the theme of his message, and he preached it repeatedly with power (Hos. 6:1; 14:1). But Gomer seemed less and less interested in his ministry. Perhaps, she may have even nurtured resentment. And as sometimes women do, she may have even accused Hosea of thinking more about his preaching than he did of her. She began to find other interests to occupy herself, and spent more and more time away from home.

The dangers are great and very real when a husband and wife have few interests in common. Sometimes he goes his way and she goes hers. ..these are certainly signs that need to be paid attention to.

They each have their own set of friends, and there is little communication to bring their two worlds together. A husband’s preoccupation with his work may be the major contributing factor to the cleavage. Or it may be a wife’s growing involvement in outside activities and subsequent neglect of the home. There may be any number of things, but, more importantly, it may simply be a disinterest in the things of the Lord on the part of either husband or wife. But it sets the scene for great calamity. Husbands and wives must to do things together and take an interest in each other’s activities. In this inspired story, the responsibility is clearly laid upon Gomer rather than Hosea. She did not share her husband’s love for God….to be cont’d

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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