Tuesday, July 18, 2017


The Story of Hosea and Gomer

How many times should a husband or wife forgive?

Today, are we able to forgive as Hosea? Some of us would say that his shoes are hard to step in. But, let’s take a look at the answer our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, gave to Peter’s similar question: “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Lord Jesus answer, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven” (Matt. 18:21, 22). Simply put, our Lord was saying that there is no end to forgiveness.

Gomer certainly knew how her affairs were tearing at Hosea’s heart. And, we, like Hosea, must have the obligation to share what is on our heart when we are sinned against.

God can use our forgiving love to melt hardened hearts and change callused lives quicker than anything else in this world. This is the lesson we are to take away from Hosea and Gomer’s lesson of forgiveness. God’s love and forgiveness spread through Hosea’s entire prophecy. Remember though, God hates sin; it grieves His heart; He will not condone it; His perfect righteousness and justice demand that He deal with it. But He still loves sinners and diligently seeks them out and offers them His loving forgiveness.


1. What do you think are the major causes for husbands and wives drifting apart?

2. What interests do you both share in common? What else could you do together to strengthen your bond of oneness?

3. Husbands and wives are not always aware of each other’s love. It might be helpful for each of you to finish the following statements: “I feel loved when you …” or “I am saying that I love you when …”

4. Can you think of wrongs you have suffered from your mate that may be keeping you from freely expressing your love? Admit them to your mate and verbalize your full forgiveness.

5. How can you keep the wrongs for which you have forgiven others from creeping back into your mind and destroying your peace?

6. What positive steps can you and your mate take to keep certain sins from repeating themselves in your lives?

May the mighty Hand of Lord Jesus Christ, bless and strengthened your marriage, and let no weapon formed against it prosper. I pray that this lesson of forgiveness forever be upon my heart, souls, and minds. Amen.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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