Wednesday, June 28, 2017



A hot-tempered man stirs up dissention,
But a patient man calms a quarrel.



Life is full of frustrations: some great and some small. On occasion, you, like Jesus, will confront evil, and when you do, you may respond as He did: vigorously and without reservation. But, more often our frustrations will be of the more mundane variety. As long as you live here on earth, you will face countless opportunities to lose your temper over small, relatively insignificant events: a traffic jam, a spilled cup of coffee, an inconsiderate comment, a broken promise. When you are tempted to lose your temper over the minor inconveniences of life, don’t. Turn instead to God. When you do, you’ll be following His commandments and giving yourself a priceless gift…the gift of peace.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


On a recent road trip we saw two mountain lions; one was lying down and one was just getting up and stretching.

What does this sign represent?  Jesus arising to lead us into this season!


Revelation 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this."

I will show you!

Revelation 4:6-7 Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.  The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle.
Verse 7 These living creatures identify the nature of Jesus Christ and His ability (eyes to see) and us following!  The first aspect of Christ's work among and in His people is that of the image of the lion (apostolic nature).  Again, the sign was two lions representing Jesus and us.

The First Lion we saw was years ago on Gore Pass--
Message:  Follow Me.

                      The Second Lion Marsha saw at our new location--
Message:  I am here.

                       We saw Two Lions in a field--

Message:  Come walk with Me and be beside Me.

This is what God wants you to understand, and He wants you to be as strong and as bold as the Lion.

In Christ, 

Janet Irene Thomas 
Playwright/Screen Writer/
Director Published Author/
Gospel Lyricist &Producer 
Bible Stories Theatre of 
Fine & Performing Arts 

Monday, June 26, 2017



"If you remain in me and
My words remain in you,
Ask whatever you wish,
and it will be given you."
JOHN 15:7

In Christ,
 Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Take time to help a child pray.
it will lay a foundation
like none other
in their life.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017



In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Monday, June 19, 2017



In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Friday, June 16, 2017




 In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Turning to the disciples He said privately,
 "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see."
Luke 10:23

Our eyes contain about 70 percent of the body’s sensory receptors.   The retina accommodates 127,000,000 rods and cones, which send data to about 2,000,000 optic fibers, which in turn carry information to the brain for processing. Eye yi yi!  As you see, the eyes play a major role in our sensory system.  

God knew what power He gave human eyes. Today’s Bible verse is one of over 1,2000 references to eyes and seeing. The Bible mentions eyes filling with tears, witnessing victory and defeat, mocking or honoring God, blinking, closing, getting gouged out as punishment, and seeing things that unbelievers cannot.

Jesus blesses us with eyes that see beyond artists’ paintings, sculptures, and other religious symbols. We see Jesus as our very own Savior. We see the Son of God born miraculously in a stable, baptized in the Jordan River, changing water into wine, healing the sick and brokenhearted. We see God Himself in Jesus Christ.

Our eyes mist as we see God’s innocent Son nailed to a cross and lifted up to die as a sacrifice for our sins. Our eyes twinkle with merriment as we peer into the empty grave and watch Him appear to His astonished disciples. Blessed were their eyes and blessed are ours.
                Don’t take your spiritual eyesight for granted. When
         the spiritually blind see art depicting Jesus on the cross, all          they see is paint and wood. That’s hard to believe when we          see so much more.

   Share your vision with those who are spiritually nearsighted, 
farsighted, or blind. And when you finish this blog reading, look up and give God a wink. He’ll get the message.

In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


This was the custom in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and exchanging: to confirm a transaction, the one drew off his sandal and gave it to the other.
Ruth 4:7

A strategic business deal worth millions approaches closure. Company lawyers dot every t and cross every i. (Then they turn around and do it the right way.)  Hours of negotiation finally end with one businessman taking off his shoe and handing it to his counterpart, sealing the deal. (Warning: Do not actually try this. You might get the boot in exchange!) That’s exactly what happened when Boaz bargained to marry and care for Ruth. Instead of signing legal documents or conducting a church ceremony, they passed a sandal, and Boaz and Ruth became husband and wife.  

Don’t wave your shoe right now (unless you’re alone), but at least wiggle your foot if you agree with the following:

1.   God loves me, and I love Him.
2.   I will invite God to show me His will as I pray for His wisdom.
3.   I will hate evil but pray for my enemies.
4.   I will ask God for forgiveness daily.
5.   I will forgive myself and others as God has forgiven me.    
6.   I will spend a few moments each day mediating on God’s Word, and I will accept the blessings that come from it.
7.   I will bring all my needs to Jesus and gratefully accept His answers to my prayers.              
By now, your ankle probably aches, and anyone watching probably thinks you have a nervous twitch.

So what? Be like Boaz and Ruth after the other guy waved the sandal and sealed the deal. Go off and live happily ever after, in God’s grace, of course.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8


Are you munching on something during your break? How does it taste? Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, hot, cold, crispy, mushy? Some 9,000 taste buds and other sensory receptors route messages to our brain when we eat.  Too hot. Too cold. Just right. Ugh--- cherry pit!

After years of health classes and personal experience, we’re able to classify foods into at least two groups – those we like and those we don’t. Tasting and seeing revealed which foods appeal to us.

That’s the focus of Psalm 34:8 – experience with our sweet Savior, Jesus. To know how sweet He is, we must take refuge in Him – we must rely on Him above everything. Modern people are often do-it-yourselfers who rely on themselves for success. When failure threatens, do-it-yourselfers resort to self-recrimination or accusations aimed at others. We usually describe such people as sour or bitter.

Sweet Jesus satisfies and gratifies those who place their faith in Him. His sweetness sends us scurrying for strength or forgiveness when we fail. How sweet it is to know that Jesus closely monitors whatever we attempt, not to see how well we do on our own, but to show us how to trust Him for help. If God’s way and our way do not agree, take refuge in God. His way is better.

Our Savior’s willingness to forgive is the sweetest refuge. He made us holy and righteous. He promises a banquet table filled with delectable goodies when He returns. There we’ll rub elbows with the likes of Peter, Paul, and Jesus Himself as we savor His divine buffet.


In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Producer/Published Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Monday, June 12, 2017


I met God in the morning, when the day was at its best and His presence came like sunrise, like glory within my breast.

All day long the presence lingered, all day long He stayed with me; and we sailed in perfect calmness o'er a very troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered, other ships were sore distressed; but the winds that seemed to drive them, brought to us a peace and rest.

Then I thought of other mornings, with a keen remorse of mind, when I too, had loosed the moorings with His presence left behind.

So, I think I know the secret, learned from many a troubled way; we must seek God in the mornings if we want Him though the day.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Friday, June 9, 2017


Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said:

"How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?" 

The surgeon said, "I'm sorry.  We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it.”  Sally said, "Why do-little children get cancer?  Doesn't God care any more?  Where were you, God, when my son needed you?"  The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone with your son?  One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university.”  Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good-bye to son.  She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair.  "Would you like a lock of his hair?" the nurse asked.  Sally nodded yes.  The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag, and handed it to Sally.

The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the university for study.  He said it might help somebody else. I said no at first, but Jimmy said, "Mom, I won't be using it after I die.  Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom."

She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of gold.  Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could." Sally walked out of Children's Mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy’s belongings on the seat beside her in the car.

The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She lay down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep. It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said:

"Dear Mom,

 I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. 

He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn’t like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! 

And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed him?' "God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. 

Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight, I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm, sure the food will be great. 

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't'! t stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?

Signed with Love from:
 God, Jesus &Me.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Our hearts may be heavy
Our pain may be deep
We may feel lost
We may feel weak
Storms may arise
And take us by surprise
But in all storms of life

We pray to maintain our light
We pray when life takes us on a different course
We pray when all hope is lost
We pray through our fears
We pray to cleanse our tears

We pray to comfort us through the sorrow
We pray for strength
We pray for understanding
We pray to trust
We pray when the storm is receding
We pray to be thankful for the healing
We pray to be covered by HIS love
We pray to be survived by HIS blood_

Through the tribulations, the trials, and tears
We constantly stumble, and wonder why we’re still here
We’re almost there, but the relief for our grief, 
we don’t know where We don’t know when, 
when it will cease, constantly combating 
the belly of the beast_

That we’re emotionally, physically, 
and mentally fighting
Through every heartache, stain, sweat and tear
We’re looking for the footprint moment,
but it does not seem to be there_
That we feel we’re carrying ourselves 
and taking our own weight

That God doesn’t seem to be around, as 
we’re absorbing hate That we’re straining,
we’re struggling with our emotions
That we’re tempted to lose hope towards our devotion
Why has this come our way, why has this come today

And why won’t this go away, God where you at, why this delay?
We don’t know…..we don’t understand……we don’t see
We simply don’t see the reason why trails affect you and me
We don’t know what else to say, but through every storm
Through these storm..
Through our storm..
The best thing to do is to let go and pray

Just pray
God has been with us all this time, and the only delay
Is us unwilling to let go
And allowing God to has his way
Just pray……pray…..we need to pray
He will provide all of the comfort we need
And eventually that storm will recede

In Christ,
 Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


There are two (2) story told before you’ll understand the morale, so please don’t stop reading until you’ve read the entire message.  There’s a strong message. 


Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago.  Capone wasn't famous for anything spiritual or heroic. He was notorious for enmeshing the windy city in everything criminal.

Capone had a lawyer nicknamed "Easy Eddie." He was his lawyer for a good reason. Eddie was very good!  In fact, Eddie's skill at legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a long time. To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not only was the money big, but also Eddie got special dividends. For instance, he and his family occupied a fenced-in mansion with live-in help and all of the conveniences of the day. The estate was so large that it filled an entire Chicago City block. Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little consideration to the atrocity that went on around him. Eddie did have one soft spot, however. He had a son that he loved dearly. Eddie saw to it that his young son had the best of everything: clothes, cars and a good education. Nothing was withheld. Price was no object. And, despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddie even tried to teach him right from wrong.  Eddie wanted his son to be a better man than he was. Yet, with all his wealth and influence, there were two things he couldn't give his son; he couldn't pass on a good name and a good example.

One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Easy Eddie wanted to rectify wrongs he had done. He decided he would go to the authorities and tell the truth about Al "Scarface" Capone, clean up his tarnished name and offer his son some semblance of integrity. To do this, he would have to testify against The Mob, and he knew that the cost would be great. So, he testified. Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a lonely Chicago Street. But in his eyes, he had given his son the greatest gift he had to offer, at the greatest price he would ever pay.


World War II produced many heroes. One such man was Lieutenant Commander Butch O'Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier Lexington in the South Pacific. One day his entire squadron was sent on a mission. After he was airborne, he looked at his fuel gauge and
realized that someone had forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He would not have enough fuel to complete his mission and get back to his ship. His flight leader told him to return to the carrier.

Reluctantly, he dropped out of formation and headed back to the fleet. As he was returning to the mother ship he saw something that turned his blood cold A squadron of Japanese aircraft were speeding their way toward the American fleet. The American fighters were gone on a sortie, and the fleet was all but defenseless. He couldn't reach his squadron and bring them back in time to save the fleet. Nor could he warn the fleet of the approaching danger. There was only one thing to do. He must somehow divert them from the fleet.

Laying aside all thoughts of personal safety, he dove into the formation of Japanese planes. Wing-mounted 50 caliber's blazed as he charged in, attacking one surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch wove in and out of the now broken formation and fired at as many planes as possible until all his ammunition was finally spent. Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the planes, trying to clip a wing or tail in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as possible and rendering them unfit to fly. Finally, the exasperated Japanese squadron took off in another direction. Deeply relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to the carrier. Upon arrival, he reported in and related the event surrounding his return.

The film from the gun-camera mounted on his plane told the tale. It showed the extent of Butch's daring attempt to protect his fleet. He had in fact destroyed five enemy aircraft.

This took place on February 20, 1942, and for that action Butch became the Navy's first Ace of W.W.II, and the first Naval Aviator to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. A year later Butch was killed in aerial combat at the age of 29. His home town would not allow the memory of this WW II hero to fade, and today, O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of this great man. So, the next time you find yourself at O'Hare International, give some thought to visiting Butch's memorial displaying his statue and his Medal of Honor. It's located between Terminals 1 and 2.



Butch O'Hare was Easy Eddie's son.

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Proverbs 6:6 (NIV)
             6 Go to the ant, you sluggard;
          consider its ways and be wise!

The industrious insect’s instinct shames lazy humanity! Prov. Condemns the sluggard’s passivity, lack of initiative, the habit of procrastination, oblivious to the dire results, and lack of discipline.


In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer
Producer/Gospel Lyricist/Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts