Thursday, June 15, 2017


Turning to the disciples He said privately,
 "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see."
Luke 10:23

Our eyes contain about 70 percent of the body’s sensory receptors.   The retina accommodates 127,000,000 rods and cones, which send data to about 2,000,000 optic fibers, which in turn carry information to the brain for processing. Eye yi yi!  As you see, the eyes play a major role in our sensory system.  

God knew what power He gave human eyes. Today’s Bible verse is one of over 1,2000 references to eyes and seeing. The Bible mentions eyes filling with tears, witnessing victory and defeat, mocking or honoring God, blinking, closing, getting gouged out as punishment, and seeing things that unbelievers cannot.

Jesus blesses us with eyes that see beyond artists’ paintings, sculptures, and other religious symbols. We see Jesus as our very own Savior. We see the Son of God born miraculously in a stable, baptized in the Jordan River, changing water into wine, healing the sick and brokenhearted. We see God Himself in Jesus Christ.

Our eyes mist as we see God’s innocent Son nailed to a cross and lifted up to die as a sacrifice for our sins. Our eyes twinkle with merriment as we peer into the empty grave and watch Him appear to His astonished disciples. Blessed were their eyes and blessed are ours.
                Don’t take your spiritual eyesight for granted. When
         the spiritually blind see art depicting Jesus on the cross, all          they see is paint and wood. That’s hard to believe when we          see so much more.

   Share your vision with those who are spiritually nearsighted, 
farsighted, or blind. And when you finish this blog reading, look up and give God a wink. He’ll get the message.

In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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