Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8


Are you munching on something during your break? How does it taste? Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, hot, cold, crispy, mushy? Some 9,000 taste buds and other sensory receptors route messages to our brain when we eat.  Too hot. Too cold. Just right. Ugh--- cherry pit!

After years of health classes and personal experience, we’re able to classify foods into at least two groups – those we like and those we don’t. Tasting and seeing revealed which foods appeal to us.

That’s the focus of Psalm 34:8 – experience with our sweet Savior, Jesus. To know how sweet He is, we must take refuge in Him – we must rely on Him above everything. Modern people are often do-it-yourselfers who rely on themselves for success. When failure threatens, do-it-yourselfers resort to self-recrimination or accusations aimed at others. We usually describe such people as sour or bitter.

Sweet Jesus satisfies and gratifies those who place their faith in Him. His sweetness sends us scurrying for strength or forgiveness when we fail. How sweet it is to know that Jesus closely monitors whatever we attempt, not to see how well we do on our own, but to show us how to trust Him for help. If God’s way and our way do not agree, take refuge in God. His way is better.

Our Savior’s willingness to forgive is the sweetest refuge. He made us holy and righteous. He promises a banquet table filled with delectable goodies when He returns. There we’ll rub elbows with the likes of Peter, Paul, and Jesus Himself as we savor His divine buffet.


In Christ,

Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Producer/Published Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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